
Saturday, September 1, 2012

St. Catherine of Siena Fun Fact #3

St. Catherine of Siena besieged by demons
Catherine kept secrets from her mother!  Can you believe?  When Catherine was twelve, her mother started trying to get her to dress up a little, do her hair, make herself attractive to the boys.  You see, it was Catherine's mother's job to try to find a suitable husband for her daughter.  Little did she know Catherine had secretly taken a private vow of celibacy when she was just seven years old!  She intended to spend her life in the service of God.  So her mother called in Bonaventura, Catherine's older (and married) sister, to help.  Bonaventura convinced Catherine to pay more attention to her appearance, but when the older sister suddenly died (!), Catherine swore never to be vain again.  Drama!

McDermott, T.S. The Lives of the Dominican Saints.  New York: The Dominican Fathers of the Province of St. Joseph, 1940. Print.

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