
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Teacher Feature: Ms. Bauer

What do you most like to read?  (this could be a literary genre, or a type of material, like blogs, magazines, etc.)
While I really enjoy reading fiction, I must admit I spend most of my reading time online. I love catching up on the news via cnn, but more than anything I love reading celebrity gossip blogs like Perez Hilton and Suri's Burn Book. I usually read a few novels during the summers as well.

Do you have a favorite book/author/publication?
Perez Hilton is my favorite blogger. Some of my favorite books from throughout my life include The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffeneggen, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and God Has a Dream by Desmond Tutu.

What's the last great thing you read?
I am nearly finished with Margaret Atwood's The Robber Bride. The characters in this book are so vivid and so well-described that I feel like I know them all! Mrs. Murphy suggested this book to me, and I now cannot wait to go to her for her next suggestion!

Where do you most like to read?
I love to read books on the beach, on my back patio, on a plane or curled up in a comfy chair. I usually read online news and blogs while sitting on the sofa with my laptop.

When you were in high school, did you like to read?  If so, what? 
I have always loved to read, but there were so many books assigned during high school that I found it difficult to find time to read for pleasure. I have always loved reading the classics and read quite a few of those in high school. As far as contemporary fiction goes, I prefer to read the types of books that have appeared on the New York Times Bestseller List. 

What is your most hated book and why?
I attempted to read The Life of Pi by Yann Martel on at least three different occasions. The book seems to be super slow and has never been able to pull me in.

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