
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Tolog Review: Girl, Interrupted

Girl, Interrupted
by Susanna Kaysen
reviewed by Sarah Perret, class of 2017

“Was insanity a matter of just dropping the act?” I think Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen was an amazing and eye-opening book. It is the type of book that is not just good, but really gets the reader to think. This book makes you question what sanity actually is. Who decides whether we are sane or not? Before Susanna was admitted to the metal hospital she sees a psychotherapist to tells her that she needs a break, which she agrees to. Little did she know that the “break” would end up being two years spent at McLean’s Mental Hospital. This book answers meaningful questions and gives an insight to what is considered “mentally unstable”. Is no such thing as insanity? Could sanity not exist at all? I loved this book; it is a little crazy and confusing sometimes, but definitely fun to read. The book is not written in the order it happened in; this it could be a result of Susanna getting worse. Susanna tells her own story about a time while she is questioning her personal sanity. The reader goes along with Susanna on her journey to “regain her sanity” and eventually become released. Not only does the author tell about her time at the mental hospital, but she also describes the people around her. You begin to see the progress of those people around her and their road to recovery. Even though this is book is short, it gets you to really think. One aspect of the book is freedom. People seen as unfit or different in a negative way are shunned and named outcasts. From there they are sent to hospitals, or prisons. But the problems is, these so called outcasts can never feel the freedom of leaving. Freedom is an issue, Susanna is imprisoned in the hospital, kept prisoner. When she finally gets out and looks for jobs, the hospital still remained a disadvantage. She will have the freedom to block out or forget her time at McLean. Is this a good thing?

for those who enjoyed Thirteen Reasons Why, Looking For Alaska

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